Friday, January 29, 2010


Zeitgeist means "the spirit of the times" or "the spirit of the age." Zeitgeist is generally about the cultural, intellectual, ethical, spiritual and political within a nation along wit the morals.

There are 3 part of topic in the zeitgeist movie: 1)religion, 2) 911 incidents, 3)federal reserve

The first part about the religion. Religion myth is powerful. Myth is an idea that people believe and a movable story that will having in a religion. In the movie, they claim that the Bible is the copying of astronomy in Egypt that found in early decade. Such a conclusion to the Christians is not fair. This will cause resentment and rebellion Christians. The whole first part of the movie is a lie? It is found in 'zeitgeist part one exposed'

In this world, knowledge is sharable. Egyth ancient is in 3150BC and Jesus is in 4BC, it is different between 3000 years. In 3000 years, these theories may have been forgotten and only apply in Egypt. After a 3000 years, these theories also appear in the Bible, but this time its also being promoted all over the world . This is going to help this theory has been forever. Why should we claim for where is the theories come from ? There is no longer important as long as the theory is being apply at now.

The second part of the movie is about 911 incident that happen in United State. In the movie, it shows that the 911 incident is being well planned to demolish the building. 911 incidents is a war game exercises !!! The goverment manufacturing the news to blame that it is done by terrorists. So that, people around the world believe that this is true and influence others. And then control the whole world. They are so cruel with killed so many lives to create a news to become a part of history. Why human are killing each others to fulfill their profits? Where is their moral been apply ? Why ? Why ? Why ?
This is a civilized society?

Federal reserve is the third part of the movie. It show that bankers are control the money and we become the slaves to earn money while they are smiling at there and watch we people like a stupid to send the money to them. Entertainment will make us become stupid. They making so much tv programme to entertain us and making news to convience us, actually they have their purpose. They do not want we to think too much, so that they will guide us and control the whole world. They will become KING of the world. Are we people are stupid to follow what you all done on us ?

In the conclusion, the universe is balanced, and our life is a cycle. There must have 'ying' and 'yang' in the cycle. Good thing is a bad thing to set off and the same bad thing is a good thing to set off . All the energy that we have is borrow from the universe. One day we have to return it back to the universe. We are one and we are energy.

Universe= energy=god=everthing=everybody

So, why should we done so much things to control people and the world ? Disinformation actually is not important to us as long as our life is happy and free. Why should we care so much on whether the news is true or false? And the theories is start from who or what time?

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